Austrian Marketing University: Four Years of Play and Counting!





Way back in 2015, two members of the Austrian Marketing University Senior Team traveled to Canada to join us in our Strategic Play® certification training with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods.  And we are so glad they did.  This was just the beginning of a great connection with clients who have now become not only colleagues, but also our dear friends.



We are honored to have the opportunity to build capacity with both students and faculty at AMU! 







Over the years, the senior team has traveled back to Canada. We have shared tools, materials, ideas, and know-how! The university leads the way, with students utilizing some highly sophisticated equipment for assessing and measuring user experiences. But right alongside high-tech tools and equipment, they also use low-tech tools like LEGO® bricks to build and tell stories of ideas yet to come. Here at the Austrian Marketing University you will find LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY methods in action, in use everywhere from user experiences to marketing plans to designing videos and so much more. 






This week, the master’s students have been using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® to storyboard and build their ideas for a documentary video. They worked with a template storyboard and built their ideas in 3D to tell complex and powerful stories quickly, aimed at identifying educational messages.




In all, 40 students formed 8 teams. Each of the teams created unique ideas and stories they presented. They created captivating, powerful, and compelling storyboards. They photographed their models and put together stories to share back to the class.  


Watch this space as the video incorporating some of their great ideas will be in production this summer! 


This is just another way LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methods are being used in higher learning.


To find out more about this approach or the work we do, please contact us at:

And don't forget to sign up for the newsletter too! 

  • 4/28/2018 5:58:06 PM
  • Jacqueline Lloyd Smith
  • 0
  • Leadership

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