The Global Federation of LSP Master Trainers?


The Global Federation of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Master Trainers has been developed to ensure that the training offered through our Master Trainer & Curriculum Designer continues to meet the highest standard.


Why do we need this Global Federation? 

The Global Federation has been developed to ensure that the training offered by and/or supervised by the Master Trainers continue to meet the highest standard.  All members of the Federation train and certify facilitators in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods, globally. The training offered is of the highest quality and continues to innovate under the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Creative Commons license.

We develop and offer training in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods but have innovated the application using creative problem-solving techniques along with agile methods, art and play therapy applications, all in a neuro-friendly process. The unique training is academically sound as we work in conjunction with an experienced curriculum designer.

The Innovative Certification Training offered under the Strategic Play® Global brand has been approved by the Global Federation of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Trainers and Practitioners.  When you train under one of these trainers you will also be registered as a certified facilitator in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methods

How will you know?

This Certified by the Global Federation of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Master Trainers logo (below), is proudly displayed on email addresses and on websites, of individuals who have been trained by the experts at Strategic Play® Global in how to apply the tools of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods to design quality strategic and team building workshops and events. 



Global Federation History: Founded in 2016! 


In 2016, at second our annual global un-conference and meeting for certified facilitators in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology, a group of 30 facilitators (some in the picture below) met in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada where they deemed it valuable for a formal association to be developed.   Jacqueline Lloyd Smith, an original Master Trainers with the LEGO Systems Group, was asked to establish the Global Federation of  LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Master Trainers. Now you have the back story.  




Jacquie was a long-time partner with the LEGO® Systems Group Serious Play® Division. She started training for LEGO  in 2007 and was appointed to the LEGO® Training Board by the LEGO® Play4Business Division 2009. She was the first official LEGO Partner, and trainer in Canada and trained globally for the LEGO® Group as a "Master Trainer".  She is the only recipient of the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Business Development Award awarded by the Serious Play Division at LEGO Systems Group in Denmark. 



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