Playsonality™: What's your play DNA?
Join us in exploring the age-old question: Why can't we all play well together?
Introducing The Strategic Play® Global:
Playsonality™ Assessment and Workshop
Adults use the word PLAY in their everyday language. We love the word PLAY. We might say we play with numbers, ideas, strategy, odds, words, the stock market, or concepts. Adults love to play, and they play all the time. They just do not recognize how much they play, how they play, or even how much they benefit from play.
Play is the pathway into the flow zone. The flow zone is where we enter a deeper level of concentration and do our best work.
What does this have to do with performance and happiness in the workplace? Lots!
We Identified Unique Anchor Styles of Play
Through our work, we have observed multiple playstyles in adulthood that show up in many interesting ways. These patterns creative unique play preferences that people discover using our online assessment. Then we unpack and validate their findings in the playful workshop that follows.
During a Strategic Play Playsonality Workshop, we take a deep dive into those styles and explore how they show up in adult play at work and on teams. We also explore how play is connected to learning, how learning is connected to communication, how communication is connected to working, and how working is connected to our overall well-being and happiness.
Each person validates their playstyle profile with our creative tools.
The assessment gives each person new insights and a playful approach to how we all reflect, consider, express, share, connect, belong, work, build, nurture, and play.
When working on a team, how we play is key to understanding the unique variety of thinking and processing information that each of us brings to the team, department, the board we are on, project we are involved with, or a working group of adults trying to solve a problem or dream up the next innovation.
When we look at differences in play preferences, it is clear people tend to assume everyone responds to their environment in the same way. Because our individual preferences are so clear to us, we are puzzled when others want to interact, work, and play differently. We expect others to judge us by our intentions as we judge others by their actions. And when others judge us by our actions, we may feel they are being unfair or unkind. Yet we, ourselves, have difficulty giving others the benefit of the doubt or providing room for others to make mistakes.
In most cases, we do not understand why we think, feel, or behave the way we do. It only makes sense we also struggle to understand others. This really is the human condition. Those who seek to understand themselves stand a much better chance of doing so while reflecting upon how they connect with others.
This might help us better understand the age-old question:
Why can't we all play nicely together?
We strongly believe this assessment is useful in helping people to think and reflect on their natural state of play.
When we can reconnect with that authentic and unadulterated state, we may find the keys to our hidden talents and life purpose.
We also hope this assessment helps to widen the definition of play and debunks myths that play is mere frivolity. We also aim to highlight that our innate ability to play, our birthright, is our human superpower that gives us the ability to learn, create, invent, and solve some of the most challenging problems.
Here is what Sara Ramadoro's Team had to say at the GTM Google Digital Academy:
“I absolutely LOVED the playsonality assessment, it was fun and very insightful. The results are spot on and helped me better understand how I play and how it relates to the strengths I bring to the team. - and how I can better “play” with my team mates!
“An enjoyable bonding exercise that gave great insight into the way that my team-mates think and enjoy approaching tasks. Led to us having a good understanding of the varied ways our team thinks about play, work and life. Particularly salient for a team that works on learning design.”
''I really liked the idea of assessing one's playstyle. Knowing your playstyle is like understanding your learning style and how you best work with others. I thought the length of the questions was just right and the questions were easy to follow.”
"It's always amazing how a short set of questions can produce such a fitting personality profile. Playsonality did not disappoint! The outcome felt quite fitting, I could see myself in the result and am looking forward to further exploring how we can make use of the different types in our team."
From infancy to adulthood, being curious and learning through play is our key to not only surviving but thriving.
Are you curious? We would love to set up a playdate!
Do you have a code? If yes, take the assessment!
Email us today so we can bring you the power of play: