LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methodology Training and Facilitator Team

Jacqueline Lloyd Smith  ATR, CMC, FRSA, MA, MBA

Global Master Trainer

Playground: Global
Language: English
Phone: 1-888-238-2608

Jacqueline (Jacquie) is a skilled facilitator and Master Trainer and holds a diploma is LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®  methodology from the LEGO® Group in Denmark. In 2007, Lloyd Smith received the partner business growth award from LEGO® and also that year, she began certifying facilitators for The LEGO® GROUP.  In 2009, Jacquie was appointed to the training board in the LEGO® Play for Business division where she worked to bring LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods into the Open Source model.  Jacquie is a Registered Art Therapist (ATR), is certified in Play Therapy & Creative Problem Solving.

In 2000, she earned an MA in Conflict Analysis and Management; and in 2006, she completed an MBA in Executive Management (Management Consulting).  She earned both degrees from Royal Roads University in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. In 2005, she studied business strategy and global business in Grenoble, France. In November 2006, she received the Ted Wilson Memorial Award for Lifelong Learning from Royal Roads University.  

Jacquie instructed at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario Canada for over ten years, where she developed and delivered curriculum for the postgraduate Art Therapy students. She has also taught in the business department at Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. From 2012-2019, she was an associate faculty member in the MBA program at Royal Roads University in Victoria.

During her career, she has trained and facilitated thousands of professionals in North America, Central and South America, Europe, and Asia, with modules she specifically developed to meet their needs.  

She has been a certified Canadian Management Consultant since 2009 and holds NAFTA Secret Clearance. She was nominated by her peers in 2010 and is a Fellow with the Royal Society for the Arts.  

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Stephen Walling  CEC, F.R.S.A.

Global Trainer and Professional Coach

Playground: Global
Language: English
Phone: 1-888-238-2608

Stephen is a connector and a natural born team builder and problem solver. 

He comes from a mechanical and building background with over 10 years experience as a bicycle mechanic. As a designer, he holds certifications as a guitar builder (Luthier) and studio wood furniture making.  He is also an accomplished musician.

Stephen is certified and registered as a Strategic Play® facilitator with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology and has been training in LSP since 2010 under one of the original LEGO® Master Trainers.  He has level II certification in Simplex Creative Problem Solving and Decision Making, trained directly by Dr. Min Basadur.  He holds certificates in Agile Coaching, Project Management, Simplex, Creative Problem Solving, and is a graduate of Royal Roads University with a certificate in Executive Coaching.

Today, he facilitates and trains in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods throughout Canada, USA, Central America, (Panama) and South America (Venezuela), Japan, Austria, and Australia. Occasionally he teaches at Royal Roads University where he acts as a Strategic Mentor in the MBA program: Advanced Strategic Integrated Practice. This is a fast-paced, intensive, problem-based learning program and Stephen is there with LEGO® bricks ready for business analysis. 

In 2021, Stephen was nominated by his peers as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (F.R.S.A).  

Stephen credits his creative talents to playing with LEGO® as a child. 

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Dr. Steve Ralph, Jr.  Ed.D

Lead Licensed Trainer, USA

Playground: USA
Language: English
Phone: 1-888-238-2608


Dr. Steve Ralph, Jr is passionate about catalyzing ingenuity in those he comes into contact with.  Not only does Steve offer workshops and certification training with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods, he is also a professor at Pepperdine University's Graziadio Business School, Dr. Ralph teaches courses in creativity and innovation, leadership and team dynamics. He consults with organizations utilizing the creative problem-solving process, is a certified trainer in the FourSight Thinking Assessment and a coach, with training from the Coaches Training Institute (CTI). Dr. Ralph’s professional background has included business development and corporate relations roles in higher education, entertainment and non-profit industries.

Dr. Ralph earned his Doctorate in Organizational Leadership from Pepperdine University.  He is a frequent speaker at international creativity conferences and has been active in several professional organizations, including the Creative Education Foundation and Consortium of Southern California of Colleges and Universities, where he served as co-chair for the Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties region.  Dr. Ralph’s research interests are centered in creativity and innovation, with special focus in personal disruption, pause practices and the impact of exponential technology.


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Arturo Giménez  (CSSGB), BA, MBA

Licensed Trainer

Playground: South America & Spain
Language: Spanish, English
Phone: (+34) 636 012 333


Arturo Giménez es Coach Ejecutivo por la Escuela Europea de Coaching y Coach de Equipos por la Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, certificado doblemente por la International Coaching Federation (ICF). Ha recibido competencias como participante en el Programa de Negociación de la Universidad de Harvard y es un Entrenador con licencia en el método LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (November 2018). 


Ingeniero Técnico en Topografía por la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (España), viene desarrollando una intensa actividad profesional entre Europa, Estados Unidos, Canadá y América Latina desde hace más de 20 años.


Ha estado vinculado durante años al sector de las nuevas tecnologías y trabajado en compañías multinacionales como Tom Tom, Nokia y HERE, esta última propiedad del consorcio formado por Audi, BMW y Daimler -Mercedes - Benz-.


MBA por el IE (Instituto de la Empresa), cuenta con amplia experiencia y probados casos de éxito en países y territorios como España, Estados Unidos, Cuba, México, Centroamérica, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brasil, Colombia, Perú, Ecuador, Bolivia y Paraguay.


Cuenta con la certificación de calidad Green Belt en procesos Lean Six Sigma, otorgado por la American Society for Quality.


Es profesor asociado en la División de Educación Continuada de la Universidad El Bosque (Bogotá), co-facilitador de Programas de Coaching de Equipos en el Instituto de Desarrollo Directivo Integral (Madrid) y colaborador en el Global MBA de la Universidad CEU Abat Oliba (Barcelona).


En un entorno altamente volátil e incierto, donde la deshumanización de muchas organizaciones y procesos parece ser una fuerte tendencia, Arturo se desvive por dotar de las herramientas y recursos necesarios a personas, equipos y organizaciones de manera que puedan reforzar su presencia y elevar el factor humano al nivel que, ahora mas que nunca, la sociedad requiere.


English Translation: 

Arturo Giménez is an Executive Coach (European School of Coaching) and Team Coach (Francisco de Vitoria University), double certified by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). He participated in the Negotiation Program at Harvard University and is a Licensed Trainer of the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methodology (November 2018). 


Holds a Technical Engineering degree in Topography from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), and has developed his professional career between Europe, the United States, Canada and Latin America for more than 20 years. 


Since ever connected to the new technologies sector, he has worked for international corporations such as Tom Tom, Nokia and HERE, the latter property of the consortium formed by Audi, BMW, and Daimler -Mercedes - Benz-.


He holds an MBA by IE (Instituto de la Empresa), and has extensive experience and proven success business developments in countries and territories like Spain, the United States, Cuba, Mexico, Central America, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Paraguay. He is a licensed SGP Europe LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® trainer.


Green Belt quality certification in Lean Six Sigma processes, granted by the American Society for Quality.


He is an associate professor in the Division of Continuing Education at the Universidad El Bosque (Bogotá), co-facilitator of Team Coaching Programs at the Integral Management Development Institute (Madrid) and collaborator at the Global MBA at the CEU Abat Oliba University (Barcelona).


In a highly volatile and uncertain environment, where the dehumanization of many organizations and processes seems to be a strong trend, Arturo goes out of his way to provide the necessary tools and resources for people, teams and organizations so that they can reinforce their presence and raise the human factor to the level that, now more than ever, our society requires.

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Brian Tang  BMath, MBA

Licensed Trainer

Playground: China
Language: Cantonese, Mandarin, English
Phone: 86-159-2079-7243, 853-62110791

Certified LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methods Facilitator. Certified facilitator of TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training & Assessment, Australia. Registered Corporate Coach™. Bachelor of Mathematics,  Master of Business Administration. As an award-winning communicator and a professional people developer, Brian specializes in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology, leadership development, adult learning, and design and delivery of blended learning. He has delivered a vast array of programs, including leadership development, management skills, business psychology, team development, guest service, storytelling & presentation, and train-the-trainer, covering thousands of participants from all walks of life. Sectors that Brian has trained and served include gaming and hospitality, F&B, universities, banks, utilities, governments, NGO and legislative council member.

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Joe Leung  B.Ed, GradDipEd, MA

Licensed Trainer

Playground: Hong Kong
Language: English, Cantonese, Mandarin
Phone: 852-64449365
Joe is a creative educator who is full of energy and passion. With experience as a teacher in local primary and secondary schools for more than 15 years, he is experienced in pedagogy, classroom management and school administration. 
As a certified facilitator of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methodology, Joe introduces this powerful tool to schools which brings benefits to different stakeholders. He initiates innovative elements in different schools and education institutes which help them to transform, both in school management ,teachers' pedagogy and students' development.  
Joe is enthusiastic in teaching. He strongly believes in the “Power of Play”. He integrates play and teaching in order to bring the best learning experience to his students, no matter he is a 12-year-old boy or a CEO of a fortune 500 corporate. 
With the powerful tool of LEGO Serious Play, together with the methodologies from LEGO® Six Bricks, LEGO® Playbox, Design Thinking, Design Sprint and Board Game Education, Joe incorporates all these playful tools into the business context. He facilitates individuals, teams and organizations to connect with each other and solve their problems with all these tools. 
Joe, a Strategic Play certified and licensed trainer of the method of LEGO Serious Play, is excited to share his experience with this life changing tool with all players in Hong Kong.
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Sébastien Giroux  Adm.A, BA, FICB, MBA

Licensed Trainer: Francaise

Playground: Canada
Language: Francaise & English
Phone: 819-210-5555


Sébastien se distingue par sa passion de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage par la pratique.

Son cheminement a débuté après ses études en administration des affaires où il a accédé au poste de Directeur en développement des affaires pour une compagnie d’assurance de calibre pancanadienne. Son mandat consistait à accompagner et former des courtiers dans leurs connaissances des produits financiers et le développement de leur service à la clientèle.

Sébastien a obtenu en 2003 un MBA en gestion des PME et en consultation. Il a été consultant et mentor en démarrage d’entreprise pour ensuite se lancer dans le financement commercial pour une banque canadienne. Afin de réinvestir son intérêt dans le coaching, l’enseignement et le partage de connaissances, il quitte le domaine des finances en 2008 pour devenir professeur permanent en administration des affaires.


Sébastien continue de s’impliquer dans le milieu des affaires et des start-up. Il est administrateur sur plusieurs conseils d’administration. Il participe également à des panels et comités où il doit analyser des plans d’affaires, des candidatures pour des prix de reconnaissances tel que des bourses et des prix mérite. Il est membre de l’Ordre des administrateurs agréés du Québec.


Sébastien applique les méthodes LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® avec des start-up d'entreprise. Ses connaissances approfondies dans les affaires et l'éducation en font un formateur parfait. Il facilite et forme LSP en français. Il vit avec sa famille au Québec.


Sébastien Giroux es nuestro entrenador autorizado y está feliz de entregar nuestro plan de estudios en francés o inglés. 


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Hugo Alvarado  IC, MBA, PMP

Licensed Trainer

Playground: Mexico
Language: Spanish, English
Phone: +521-55-5452-3026

Hugo Alvarado, MBA, CSE, CIC

Hugo ha sido consejero, consultor, facilitador y coach de negocios desde 1999, especializado en Planeación Estratégica, Ventas Consultivas, Mercadotecnia e Innovación. Además de ser entrenador autorizado de Strategic Play® en los métodos de Lego® Serious Play®, es Socio Fundador de CUBO Estratégico. De 2001 a 2007 fue Gerente Senior en Ernst & Young. Adicionalmente, es profesor a nivel maestría en ITAM, UP, UNAM y CETYS Universidad.

En 1996, obtuvo el grado con mención honorífica de Ingeniero en Ciencias por CETYS Universidad, cursando su último año en McGill University, Montréal, Quebéc, Canada. En 1999 obtuvo el grado de Máster en Dirección de Empresas por el IPADE y del 2012 al 2014 cursó estudios de maestría en Mercadotecnia en el ITAM.

Esta certificado como Coach de Negocios por parte del International Coaching Community, como facilitador en metodología LEGO® Serious Play® y como PMP por parte del PMI.

HUGO has been a business consultant, facilitator, and coach since 1999, he is specialized in strategic planning, consultative B2B sales, marketing, and innovation. Along with being a Licensed Trainer in the Lego® Serious Play® methods for Strategic Play®, he is also the Founder and CEO of CUBO Estratégico. From 2001 to 2008 he was a Senior Manager in Ernst & Young. He is also a Professor at ITAM, UNAM, UP and CETYS University.

In 1996 he earned with honors a B.S. degree in Computer Science Engineering by CETYS University. He attended the last year of the undergraduate program at McGill University, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. In 1999, he earned his MBA degree from IPADE Business School and he attended graduate courses of the Master´s degree program in Marketing at ITAM from 2012 to 2014.

He holds the following certifications: Certified Business Coach by the International Coaching Community, Certified facilitator in LEGO® Serious Play® and PMP by the PMI.



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Leo Chan  B.Des. & M.T.S.

Licensed Trainer

Playground: Canada
Language: English
Leo Chan brings 20+ years of experience to the world of innovation & creativity. He's the former Senior Innovation Lead at Chick-fil-A and former innovator at State Farm Insurance.
Leo was the catalyst for a thriving culture of innovation at Chick-fil-A. He redesigned Hatch, Chick-fil-A's 30,000 sq ft. Innovation Center and transformed it into an epicenter for innovation. He developed, trained and mentored Chick-fil-A innovators. He also created innovation events attended by 1000+ employees. 
Leo has been a licensed trainer at Strategic Play Global delivering LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methods since 2023 and is a wonderful creative addition to our team. 
Leo has delivered keynotes and workshops on innovation at many conferences including: Creative Problem Solving Institute (CPSI) 2021, National Restaurant Association, CX Talks, the Governor's Office of Student Achievement Innovation Summit, MRMW North America and Front End of Innovation. He's also done two Virtual Field Trips with Creative Mornings.
Leo's a formally trained graphic designer and a named inventor on 31 US patents, insatiably curious and a lifelong learner. 
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Col Jason 'TOGA' Trew  PhD.

Licensed Trainer

Playground: USA
Language: English
Phone: 1-888-238-2608

Col Jason "TOGA" Trew (US Air Force, retired) graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy in 1999. After flying for the first half of his career, he spent the last decade focused on innovations in education, strategy, and leadership. This included a year studying at the Air Force school for strategists, earning a PhD in the history of technology, revitalizing the service's leadership school, coaching innovation teams in government and industry, and leading the design team for Space Force education. He has extensive training in facilitation and design thinking and is also certified as a performance coach, personal trainer, an Ironman triathlon coach, and -- of course -- a Strategic Play trainer!


After his final military assignment as the Commandant of the premier strategy school in the Department of Defense, he joined the faculty of the Savannah College of Art and Design as a Professor of Design Management.


TOGA is an author, keynote speaker, and executive coach using his experience as a fighter pilot, commander, innovator, and award-winning educator to elevate the performance of others. He partners with high performing teams to “go above”... to see, think, and live at a higher level!

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Prof. Sven Poguntke  Dipl.-Kfm.

Licensed Trainer

Playground: Germany, Austria, Switzerland
Language: German & English
Phone: +49.177.478.6547

Profesor Sven Poguntke
Sven is a Professor of Creative Methods at the Media Campus of the University of Applied Science at Darmstadt/Germany. Moreover, he also works nationally and internationally as an Independent Consultant, Facilitator, Management Trainer, Keynote Speaker, and Book Author. His clients are mostly global companies, such as Ernst&Young, Continental Automotive, Hoffmann La Roche, Telekom, and Merck. Sven is a specialist in Ideation-/Innovation- and Business Design Tools, e.g. (Service) Design Thinking, Blue Ocean Strategy, or Business Model Canvas & Value Proposition Design (graduate of the Master Class by Alex Osterwalder). Moreover, he is a certified Design Sprint Master, a Scrum Master, (since 2012) a certified facilitator for the Lego® Serious Play® Method and a licensed Strategic Play Global LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® trainer.

Sven loves to teach and shares his enthusiasm for cool, fun, and innovative tools in a business context. Lego® Serious Play® method has become his favorite. He particularly enjoys working in inspiring environments of Startup-Hubs, Innovation Centers, and Digital Experience Labs. 

Sven has a background in Business Administration and Marketing (University Mannheim/Germany and the University of North Carolina/USA). Earlier in his career, he worked in Strategic Management for a public transportation company, as a Senior-Consultant for a major German Consultancy, and as a Visiting/Honorary Professor for Design Thinking and Innovation. He is the author of the book „Corporate Think Tanks“ published by Springer/Gabler.
Bio Deutsch
Sven ist als Professor für Kreativmethoden am Mediencampus der Hochschule Darmstadt in Deutschland tätig. Darüber hinaus arbeitet er national und international als Consultant, Moderator, Trainer, Keynote Speaker und Buchautor. Unter seinen Klienten befinden sich namhafte globale Unternehmen wie Ernst&Young, Continental, Hoffmann La Roche, Telekom und Merck. Sven ist Spezialist für Ideation-/Innovations- und Business-Design-Tools wie (Service) Design Thinking, Blue Ocean Strategy oder Business Model Canvas & Value Proposition Design (Absolvent der Masterclass bei Alex Osterwalder). Darüber hinaus ist er zertifizierter Design Sprint Master, SCRUM Master, (seit 2012) zertifizierter Facilitator für die 
Lego®-Serious-Play®-Methode sowie lizensierter LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Trainer bei Strategic Play Global.

Sven zeigt eine große Leidenschaft bei seinen Trainings und liebt es, seinen Enthusiasmus für coole, spannende und innovative Methoden an seine Teilnehmer weiterzugeben. Dabei ist die Lego®-Serious-Play®-Methode eine seiner Favoriten geworden. Er arbeitet bevorzugt in den inspirierenden Umgebungen von Startup-Hubs, Innovation Center und Digital Experience Labs.
Sven studierte Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Universität Mannheim/Deutschland und University of North Carolina/USA). In seiner früheren Laufbahn arbeitete er im strategischen Management eines öffentlichen Verkehrsunternehmens, als Senior-Consultant für eine große deutsche Unternehmensberatung und als Vertretungs-/Honorarprofessor für Design Thinking und Innovation. Er ist Autor des Buches "Corporate Think Tanks", erschienen im Springer/Gabler Verlag.
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Van Lai-DuMone  MBA

Licensed Trainer

Playground: USA
Language: English
Phone: 310-801-6858

Van invites clients to think with their hands and use curiosity and creativity to disrupt traditional training methods. Being a Strategic Play LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods licensed trainer fits directly into her training philosophy and interactive style. Van proposes that we are all innately curious and creative, good ideas can come from any level of an organization, and when we create environments where creative thinking and creative tools are cultivated, innovation follows! She studied Psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and earned her MBA from Pepperdine University. She is a contributing writer at Thrive Global and a Fast Company Executive Board Member. 

Born in Vietnam and raised in Southern California, after her family fled Vietnam as war refugees, Van watched her parents pave a new life for themselves. She saw first hand how creative thinking, innovation, and curiosity can help people overcome their circumstances.

Van shares this story in her TEDx Talk titled, ‘What if? The Life Changing Power of Curiosity’.

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Jeffrey Balesh  

Licensed Trainer

Language: English
Phone: 1-888-238-2608

Jeff Balesh has been applying the methods of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® in his work for over 12 years and is an excellent trainer and practitioner. He is an Organization Development leader with over 18 years' experience in the healthcare, financial services, manufacturing, technology, government, and non-profit sectors.  He holds the Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential from the International Coach Federation and has extensive leadership coaching experience at Kaiser Permanente, T. Rowe Price, and as an Independent Consultant with experienced executives, emerging  leaders, and high potential talent.  He has an impressive record of consulting in areas of leadership development, complex change, organizational effectiveness, and team performance. 

Certified in a number of assessment methodologies, including Hogan, Birkman, and HBDI, Jeff specializes in working with leaders who are preparing for or are currently going through meaningful transition, whether it be to a higher level of responsibility or in managing increasingly complex business challenges. He assists his clients achieve clarity about the leader they want to become so they can identify where to stretch themselves in order to expand their leadership influence and effectiveness. As a result of their being able to more fully embrace their unique strengths and expand their leadership edge, his clients are able to confidently step into their power in order to deliver meaningful impact in their organizations.

Jeff's philosophy is based on a belief in the inherent wisdom and significant potential in people. They are the masters of their solutions; as such, he has learned to guide them safely through their zones of discomfort and toward shifts in thinking and behavior that lead to greater congruence between their overarching purpose and near-term priorities, ultimately leading to enhanced levels of engagement, learning, and performance.

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Scott Perryman  MBA

Licensed Trainer

Playground: USA
Language: English
Phone: 1-720-990-7555

Scott Perryman is a skilled facilitator who is passionate about helping leaders reimagine their organizations as places where everyone thrives and pursues peak performance.  In addition to his direct work with clients  using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods, he is an adjunct professor at La Sierra University’s Zapara School of Business where he teaches aspiring physician, nursing, and other healthcare professionals who wish to expand their business knowledge and develop as leaders in their professions.

In 1994, Scott earned an MBA with an emphasis in Finance, and he is actively pursuing a Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) degree with an emphasis in Sport and Performance Psychology at the University of Arizona Global Campus. His research interest is focused on Peak Performance Strategies for Surgeons and Surgical Trainees. Scott’s professional background has included senior executive and consulting roles in finance, operations, and strategy, primarily in the healthcare industry. 

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Kari Campos  BA, MBA

Lead Licensed Trainer, Brazil

Playground: Brazil & USA
Language: Portuguese & English
Phone: 55.71.98164.3305 / 1-877-284-1027

Kari is passionate about bringing out the best in people so she uses LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods to help individuals, teams, and organizations improve their performance by connecting with themselves, with their purpose, with each other and with collective goals.

Kari is from the United States and currently lives in Brazil. She is fluent in both English and Portuguese. She holds a BA in Organizational Communication and Business Management from Western Michigan University and International MBA in Project Management from Fundação Getulio Vargas.

Kari brings more than 15 years of professional experience in Organizational Development, including compliance, team development, project management, problem-solving and professional development.  She currently works as a consultant, is a certified LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methods Facilitator and is a licensed member of the Strategic Play® training team in both the USA and Brazil.




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Rosa Mon  MSci

Licensed Trainer

Playground: Panama and Central America
Language: Spanish and English
Phone: 507-6487-2132

Rosa es una panameña con  habilidad natural para ayudar a las personas a desarrollar sus talentos, llevándolas a acciones que les permitan alcanzar su máximo potencial de desempeño.

Su pasión por ayudar a los demás la llevó a especializarse como psicóloga en la Universidad Santa María La Antigua; tomó una maestría en educación, psicología y consejería de University of Louisville, además se certificó como Coach de la International Coaching Community (ICC Londres y Brasil) y Coach Deportivo por Sport Coaching World (SCW México), ayudando, durante los últimos 5 años, a atletas de alto rendimiento, músicos, profesionales y ejecutivos a lograr sus metas.

Hoy día lleva su pasión a la práctica utilizando tecnologías “Hands-On” de STRATEGIC PLAY® con el método LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® y la metodología de Solución Creativa para Problemas del Instituto de Creatividad para Solución de Problemas (CPSI).

Sus antecedentes variados en  desarrollo humano, servicio al cliente en la industria de la hospitalidad, creatividad, su propia práctica deportiva y artística, y su espíritu aventurero, le permiten aportar al equipo más de 15 años de experiencia en la elaboración y ejecución de programas para el desarrollo del talento.

 Rosa es nuestra capacitación con licencia en América Central y ofrece capacitación en español. Por favor, lea más aquí.

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Laura Rentas  

Licensed Trainer

Playground: USA
Language: English
Phone: +1 787-630-6598

Laura is not only a gifted LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® trainer and facilitator but wonderful storyteller with over two decades of success in strategic communications, public relations, and corporate affairs. She excels in building engagement for external and internal stakeholders and her background in journalism complements her strategic thinking and communication skills. 

Laura has established herself as a strategic communications consultant, handling media relations, issues management, and public relations across various industries. Previously, she served as Communications Director at LUMA Energy, Communications Manager for Ford Motor Company's Caribbean operations, and as a staff reporter for Caribbean Business.

She holds a B.A. in Journalism and studies towards an M.A. in Creative Writing from Universidad del Sagrado Corazón in Puerto Rico, and earned a master's in Neuromarketing from the University of Barcelona.



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Jeremy Neuner  

Licensed Trainer

Playground: USA
Language: English
Phone: 1-888-238-2608

Jeremy loves telling and listening to stories.

He has collected tons of stories during his time as a U.S. Navy pilot, his work in city government, his entrepreneurial adventures, and his role at Google.

Jeremy believes that the age-old power of storytelling is the best way to understand who we are, where we've been, and where we want to go...both personally and professionally.

Jeremy holds degrees from Georgetown and Harvard, but he's learned the most from playing with LEGO with his three kids.

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Paulo Costa  BA, MBA, Post Graduate Certificate

Licensed Trainer

Playground: Brazil
Language: Portuguese
Phone: +55.21.9963.47378

Paulo é apaixonado pelo desenvolvimento humano. Utiliza a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods para estimular as pessoas de qualquer idade, a manter a saúde cerebral de forma séria e divertida. Ele também usa a LSP associado ao seu conhecimento de gestão de mudanças para propor soluções inovadoras e criativas no desenvolvimento das pessoas e das organizações.

Possui graduação em Psicologia e Pós graduação em Psicologia Clínica pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro e também uma certificação em Psicologia Hospitalar pela Sta. Casa de Misericordia no Rio de Janeiro, ambas no Brasil.

Trabalhou durante 10 anos em hospitais e clínicas com pacientes crônicos terminais e suas famílias. E desde 2001, atua corporativamente como Consultor de Desenvolvimento Organizacional e como HR Business Partner.

Ele também possui MBA pela COPPEAD – UFRJ e certificações como a Brain Based Coach Certificate pelo Neuroleadership Institute – Fellipelli e em MBTI® Step I and II Professional.


Paulo is passionate about human development. He uses LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods to encourage people, of any age, to maintain brain health in a seriously fun way. He also uses LSP with his knowledge of Human Change Management to propose innovative and creative human development solutions for organizations.

He holds a degree in psychology and a post-graduate degree in clinical psychology both from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil as well as a certificate in Hospital Psychology from Sta. Casa de Misericordia also in Rio de Janeiro.

He has 10 years of experience working in hospitals with terminally ill patients and their families. And since 2001, Paulo has been working as a consultant in Organizational Development and Human Resources.

He also holds an MBA from COPPEAD UFRJ, a Brain-based Coach Certificate from NeuroLeadership Institute, and is a certified MBTI® Step I and II Professional.

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Etienne Gómez Saintard  BA, MA

Licensed Trainer

Playground: Chile
Language: Spanish
Phone: +56.99.345.0391

Etienne is a talented licensed trainer at Strategic Play Global, where he trains facilitators in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods. He is a senior trainer, coach, and consultant with 15 years of experience supporting individuals, teams, and organizations in cultural transformation processes, leadership, climate management, and performance.

Since 2015, he has been a professor in various programs at the Faculty of Administration and Economics, University of Santiago de Chile (USACH).

Since his 2019 certification as a LEGO SERIOUS PLAY facilitator, he has incorporated the methodology into the programs he has developed with various companies and industries.

His academic background includes:

  • Universidad Mayor, 2016 – 2017

Master's Degree in Emotional Education

  • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC), 2014

Diploma and Certification in Professional Coaching

  • Universidad Alberto Hurtado (UAH), 2011

Diploma in Consulting and Coaching

  • Universidad Tecnológica Inacap, 2007 – 2010  

Bachelor's Degree in Tourism Business Administration, with a focus on Adventure Tourism





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Dr. Andrea Grimm  

Licensed Trainer

Playground: Austria, Germany, Switzerland
Language: English & German
Phone: +43.676.603.0944

Dr. Andrea Grimm is an expert in green marketing, innovation and branding based in Vienna. She is the founder and CEO of the boutique agency SAY GREEN, co-founder of the EUROPEAN GREEN AWARD and works as a juror in the field of sustainability. She also coaches companies and their teams in marketing, innovation and transformation projects in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Dr. Grimm is also a licensed LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods trainer for STRATEGIC PLAY® GLOBAL and has been certified since 2017.

She is a specialist book author ("Green Marketing 4.0" by Springer Gabler; " Assholes: Dealing with Adversaries with Confidence" on Amazon) and a speaker at national and international specialist conferences.

At FERDINAND PORSCHE FERNFH, she is co-director of the Department of Life Long Learning.

Previously, together with Dr. Astin Malschinger, she established and managed the Austrian marketing campus with innovative study programmes, a Consumer Science Center and a Trend Forum for over 20 years. She has advised leading companies as well as non-profit organizations and managed international research projects.

Andrea Grimm holds a doctorate in communication from the University of Vienna and a degree in Innovative Leadership Management from Harvard Business School.

Her personal mission is to enfold the potential of people and a sustainable business.

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Dr. Astin Malschinger  

Licensed Trainer

Playground: Austria, Germany, Switzerland
Language: English & German
Phone: +43.676.603.0944


Astin Malschinger has used creative problem solving as the foundation for her work for the past 25 years. She has applied it in every role she has held in her varied career and used it as the foundation for her approach. In her career, she has led or supported a wide variety of teams around the world to drive innovation in their projects.

She applies the principles of creative problem solving through Empathic Design and Design Thinking to disrupt habitual thinking and help individuals, teams and organizations achieve breakthroughs. For more than 20 years, she has led hundreds of innovative workshops and developed and established numerous study programs. She has extensive experience in strategic planning, leadership development, team development, analytical and planning work, and product development.

She is a licensed trainer in the methods of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® and has been certified since 2015. 

Astin Malschinger hold degrees in Journalism and Communication Studies from the University of Vienna, studied Marketing at the University of Santa Barbara, Innovation at MIT and received certifications as a trainer and facilitator for LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods, Creative Thinking System as well as licensing for models of personality analysis.

Astin Malschinger teaches marketing, innovation, and entrepreneurial thinking. Together with Andrea Grimm she heads the department for executive education at the Ferdinand Porsche University of Applied Sciences in Austria.

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Sarah D. Moyle  

Licensed Trainer

Playground: Global
Language: English
Phone: 1-888-238-2608

Sarah is a Creative Facilitator and Visual Storyteller based out of Portland, Oregon. She introduced innovative facilitation methods inside a Fortune 500 technology giant. A self-taught graphic recorder and graphic facilitator, Sarah loves to spark and encourage creative and visual thinking in others. In addition, she creates explanatory and marketing whiteboard animation videos on a variety of topics ranging from technology to policy.

Upon discovery of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® she quickly fell in love. The uniqueness and engagement of the methodology is the perfect match for her social, creative, and playful spirit. Sarah loves designing thoughtful and effective sessions that yield the desired outputs – and gets very excited about finding new ways to apply LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®. As a bonus, spending so much time with LEGO® bricks is earning her mad-building skills that will impress her toddler when he gets older.

On a personal note, Sarah enjoys exploring the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her family, traveling to new places, and terrifying her neighborhood/co-workers on Halloween. It’s pretty easy to tell which house is hers in October.

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Sandra Lunn  GDip.

Licensed Trainer

Playground: Macau, Australia
Language: English
Phone: 61.412.609.192

Sandra Lunn has built a strong reputation over 20 years as an in-demand corporate trainer, vocational educator, facilitator, workplace coach, assessor and consultant as well as holding senior training organization roles in the Oceania vocational sector.


Sandra brings a powerful combination of professional training expertise, flexibility and adaptability, industry currency and innovative approaches to often challenging environments. She has worked for clients across Australia, Africa, Sri Lanka, Bali, London and currently, she is located in Australia.


Sandra has been using LEGO® as a facilitation approach for many years and Certified LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methods Facilitator and Trainer. Sandra finds LEGO® a powerful tool as it can be applied to a multitude of situations. It is great for getting participants to use out of the box thinking, for teams to communicate differently, for leaders to develop strategy, for the sharing and creating of ideas and to incorporate some fun into the learning environment.




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Daberechi Okedurum  BA, MBA

Licensed Trainer

Playground: South Africa
Language: English
Phone: 1-888-238-2608

Daberechi Okedurum (Dabs), is a certified Creative Problem Solving Facilitator and an experiential learning enthusiast; leading facilitations from the boardroom with top management teams, to the workstation of entrepreneurs and to institutions of learning. He works with these individuals, organizations, and institutions to develop their Creative thinking capacities which is applied to building valuable products, processes or services. He became interested in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods in 2015 and has been building on his skills ever since.

Dabs has been a spotlight speaker and is a facilitator at the prestigious Annual Creative Problem Solving Institute in Buffalo, New York and the International Creativity Conference for Educators in South Africa. He is also a guest speaker at Pepperdine University's Business Graduate Program in California, the Studio School Los Angeles, Covenant University and several institutions on topics such as: global creativity, design thinking, entrepreneurship education, and problem-based learning.

As a Sidney Parnes Global Fellow in Creative Problem Solving, he is affiliated to the Creative Education Foundation (the largest network of Creativity Practitioners in the World) and the Strategy Innovation Group.

He holds a B.A in Linguistics and Communication Studies, a Certificate in Social Entrepreneurship and an MBA in Business Management.

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David Lunken  MBA

Licensed Trainer

Playground: USA
Language: English
Phone: +1410-961-5555

David Lunken works with organizations to build effective teams that are empowered to achieve and surpass organizational goals. He specializes in analyzing complex business issues, then develops and implements effective solutions to satisfy business, financial, and client demands. David has over 30 years’ experience working in and with organizations across a broad range of industries both for-profit and non-profit.

David has been certified with Strategic Play Global and has been applying the powerful LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method in workshops for the past 12 years. He has extensive experience facilitating this methodology and brings a wealth of knowledge to the classroom as one of our Licensed US Trainers. He is also a member of the core faculty of the Creative Problem Solving Institute (CPSI) where he designs and teaches their foundations course.

David is an avid triathlete and creative problem solver with an entrepreneurial spirit which emerged at the age of 6 when he turned a gift of candy from an aunt into a candy store selling a wide variety of treats from his red Radio Flyer wagon in his suburban driveway.

Most days, you can find him out biking, running or swimming before the sun has started to rise.

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April Anazodo  LLB

Licensed Trainer

Playground: Africa
Language: English
Phone: +234-803-431-7036

April Anazodo transforms ideas into action.

As a creative strategist, April has helped a number of organizations across various industries design implementable roadmaps to achieve their long and short-term objectives. She accredits her strong analytical skills to her training as a Lawyer and love for legal sitcoms. 

April has worked with one of Africa’s biggest banks where she developed several governance frameworks and strategic policies implemented in 20 African countries. 

Her mind is a whirlwind of endless possibilities, she envisions Africa as an innovation hub for the rest of the world and is passionate about raising ingenious leaders who would realize the potential of the African continent.

Having found the perfect tool, April creatively infuses her knowledge of the corporate climate in Africa in her application of LEGO®SERIOUSPLAY® methods to help organizations navigate through disruptive change.  Not only is she a certified facilitator but she is also a certified, licensed trainer in the method of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® and leading the way in Africa.


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Sarah Jacobson  LLB, MBA

Licensed Trainer

Playground: Australia
Language: English
Phone: +61.414.401.791

Sarah Jacobson is one of our inventive licensed trainers in the Australia and Oceania region.

She loves to find those “Ah-ha!” moments found when using the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology and has a keen interest in discovering the inner storyteller in all of us.

Sarah has extensive experience solving problems working with both individuals and businesses as a corporate lawyer for 10 years in Australia and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the field. 

She has trained in and holds qualifications in Creative Problem Solving, Design Thinking, Agile and Project Management and holds an MBA in Change Management.

Excited to be launching both Strategic Play Training programs and workshops with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods in the Oceania region, Sarah continues to develop her passion for Creative ways of thinking and doing.

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Ivonne Velasco Carreño  BA, Psy. M

Licensed Trainer

Playground: Brazil
Language: Portugues & Spanish
Phone: ++45 819 44655

Ivonne é consultora, facilitadora, treinadora e profissional de Recursos  Humanos. Ela trabalha com LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methods para ajudar, equipes, pessoas e organizações a se desenvolver ao aprofundar no conhecimento de si mesmos e dos outros. 


Com mais de quinze anos de experiencia em desenvolvimento humano, a atenção de Ivonne aos detalhes, habilidade de escuta profunda, e interesse genuíno no crescimento e sucesso de outras pessoas agrega valor a qualquer equipe ou projeto. 


Ivonne nasceu na Colômbia onde obteve sua graduação em Psicologia e sua Pós-Graduação em Gestão Estratégica de Pessoas; e atualmente mora no Brasil com sua família. 


Ivonne is a consultant, facilitator, trainer, and HR professional who works with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methods to help individuals, teams and organizations develop by deepening their knowledge of themselves and improving the understanding of others.


With over fifteen years of experience in human development, Ivonne’s attention to detail, deep listening skills, and genuine interest in the growth and success of others brings tremendous value to any team or project. 


Ivonne was born in Colombia where she earned her bachelor’s degree in Psychology and her Master’s degree in Strategic People Management and currently lives with her family in Brazil. 

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Jonathan Bannister  

Licensed Trainer

Playground: UK
Language: English
Phone: +0 11 44 7974 430558

Jonathan has spent the last 25 years in communications. He started his career in the graduate program at Leo Burnett in London. In 1994 he moved to Leo Burnett Hong Kong where he spent five years. Whilst in Hong Kong, he trained to become a facilitator and ran brand and marketing workshops across Asia-Pacific for the Burnett network.

In 2000, Jonathan returned to the UK and set up a graphic design agency and film production company focusing on commercials. In 2010, he began focusing on facilitation and training, specializing in helping clients strengthen their business models, marketing and innovation programs.  He first became interested in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods in 2008, he became a certified facilitator 2011, and in 2012, he began to offer LSP certification training in the UK where he continues to utilize and share this powerful methodology as a licensed trainer under the SPG Europe division. 

Jonathan sits on the education board of The G5A Foundation for Contemporary Culture, a not-for-profit organization in Mumbai and is helping them launch India's first conference dedicated to creativity across the arts, education, and business.

In 2016, his work with social entrepreneurs was recognized when he was listed on the ‘Maserati 100' index; a definitive list of Britain's most successful philanthropists, investors, mentors and advisors, and ascending entrepreneurs, who are today supporting the next generation of up and coming business talent. As a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Jonathan has supported the organization's crowdfunding accelerator pro-bono as an expert mentor. With this engagement alone, he has helped over 100 RSA Fellow-led social enterprises develop, launch and achieve in excess of £350,000 crowdfunding.


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Dr. Jumoke Fola-Alade  MD.

Licensed Trainer

Playground: Africa
Language: English

Dr. Jumoke Fola-Alade is passionate about Creative Thought Leadership and is convinced that the African continent is impoverished by hectares of unmined wealth of human capital that can be harnessed with the right methodologies and tools to empower Africans to “Rethink For Change” through play. Jumoke is ready to play her part in a catalytic process that prepares the vast African continent to be the dominant “play-er” in 4th Industrial Revolution.

She is a Dental Surgeon by qualification (College of Medicine University of Lagos) with a Masters degree in Informatics (Kings College London). She is also a certified advanced creative writer (Pan African University).

Her practice as a poet and spoken word performer, which spans over a decade in the atypical corporate space has positioned her uniquely to interact with an emerging workplace future that will be driven by an unprecedented demand for creativity.  Along with being a certified LSP facilitator, she is also a certified, licensed trainer in the method of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® and a key member of the Strategic Play Group’s training team. 


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Maxine King  AECEO, C, DSW, MA

Curriculum Designer

Playground: Global
Language: English
Phone: 1-888-238-2608

Maxine was trained originally in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods by the LEGO® Systems Group in 2007.  She has not only completed all certification programs but is instrumental in the course design.  She holds a Master’s degree in leadership and learning and has also studied early childhood education and disability studies at Ryerson.

Maxine’s 30 years of experience working in Post Secondary Education where her specialization in early learning provided her with a thorough background in the value of play and the importance of active learning.  Designing and implementing training outside Canada has provided Maxine with experiences that support Strategic Play® Group Ltd. in our many International opportunities.

During Maxine’s secondment from Social Services into Planning and Research, as the college’s Curriculum Designer, she designed innovative programs and implemented unique delivery models across all sectors.  Today, Maxine brings her vast experience in play partnered with her expertise in curriculum and instructional design to our team.  Maxine ensures that all our training programs are designed and delivered with academic rigor; consistently across all continents, with measurable learning outcomes and curriculum that builds upon existing knowledge and skill sets .... all delivered with full participant engagement and lots of laughs.


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Dr. Walter Stevenson  BA, DBA


Playground: USA
Language: English
Phone: 1-888-238-2608

Walter (Walt), is located in beautiful San Francisco, California!  When he is not facilitating or training LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® you can find him teaching MBA students at Golden Gate University.  He has been trained and certified in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® since 2007. He has been training in LSP since 2010. 

His work as a facilitator with the Creative Education Foundations spans 35 years.  Walt holds an MBA and a Doctorate in Business Administration.   He is Professor of Management and Communications at Golden Gate University in San Francisco, California, and is a Colleague of the Creative Education Foundation in Hadley, Massachusetts—active as a facilitator with the Creative Problem-Solving Institute. 

He teaches business students at the undergraduate, master’s and doctoral level and works in the community facilitating creative problem solving.  He is a certified LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® facilitator and an all around great guy!
Walt educates and trains the practical application of management decision-making theory to adult learners pursuing bachelor’s degrees, MBA’s, and doctorates. 

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Dr. Margaret Rudolf  PhD


Playground: Global
Language: English, French, Italian and Spanish
Phone: 1-888-238-2608

Margaret recently completed a 30-year career in senior management with the federal government of Canada. Her work experience ranges from advising Cabinet Ministers on communications change issues, to managing complex transformational projects in a number of large organizations. A native of Montreal, Margaret is multilingual and works globally. By combining research with practice, Margaret takes a “prac-academic” approach in her chosen field.

Margaret has been certified in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods since 2015. She has researched LSP and other creative tools comparing and contrasting trust and meaningfulness theories within the LSP framework.  She has presented her findings in Canada and the United States in academic conferences. Margaret is fluent in five languages and can successfully support all training efforts across cultures. 

Margaret is a true believer in ethical management, having understood through her experience that transformative change cannot happen without organizations seriously considering how to enable, build, and maintain trust in the workplace. Her recent book, Trust and Organizational Capacity for Change, is available at Amazon.

Margaret obtained her PhD in 2009, from Fielding Graduate University. Her dissertation chair and mentor is Dr. Thierry Pauchant, Chair of Ethical Business Management at HEC, (Hautes Etudes Commerciales), Université de Montréal.

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