How can I get funding support?
What happens if you really want to take the training but you don't yet have funding?
There are a few things we can suggest that have been proven to work for could work for you too!
1. Download our ready made form letter and give this to your boss - you need to add his/her name and all the details but this really might help you make a case.
2. Check with your local economic development office or city hall, they may have training grants for "innovation" that you may be able to access.
3. Post on facebook or Linked In that you are thinking of attending this training. That might be all you need to help uncover a client that wants to use this methodology in their work. Big 'hint', you can offer them a deal if they pay upfront.
4. Find a champion, maybe a friend, someone that wants to be your first client and "pre-sell" them a workshop.
5. Call all your old clients and see who wants to be "first" to try your brand new tool.
6. Are you or someone you know doing volunteer work for a non-profit or a board? Sell the board on the idea of using this methodology for stakeholder engagements or for the next board retreat and see if a member might have funding available back at the office to sponsor your training in exchange for your LEGO® methodology know how.
7. Host a training in your area and we can come to you. If you can find a group of trainees eagar to learn LSP and a great location, you can host and attend at a big, big discount (maybe free).
8. Download case studies from our consulting site and use these to help you create some interest in your network. Here is the link!
9. If you have tried all these ideas and not one of them worked, we will be shocked!
Send us a letter at detailing your efforts and if we are convinced that you really, really want to come, we will work out a payment plan that works for you. Why? Because we believe that everyone should have this amazing and powerful tool in their tool kit to make the world a better place. And we know that you will be so amazing as a newly minted certified LSP practitioner, that you will find a way to 'play it forward'.
Stop reading this now and start posting on social media "I'm attending the next Strategic Play® certification course in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® " set the intention, take the first step! You have the power!