Saturday Night Live Anyone?



Are you watching? Many are.

It seems everyone is tuning into late night television. You might be staying up late or even taping shows so you can watch the monologs when you are wide awake. That is the only way you can be in on the joke at the water cooler.

 What is the connection between LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods and Saturday Night Live?

I’ll circle back to that in a minute.


SNL has been seeing its biggest audience since the beginning in 1975, when George Carlin hosted the first episode. Right now, the world needs humor. Late night TV provides us with a much needed tonic, our antidote to depression.

Diagnostic Cards with the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Methods -order your set here! 

We need to keep laughing! 


The use of humor and political satire goes back as far as 362 B.C., and is well recorded in our history on this planet. Just look at Elizabethan plays, children’s nursery rhymes, Sunday morning comics, and now late night television. Many say we have not had this kind of material for years.


However, it is not simply entertainment. People need ways to vent, especially when they feel necessary arguments are taboo. Using humor makes it safer for everyone to speak. SNL clearly brings issues to the surface and maybe establishes an agreement of the serious conversations we should be having. 


What do LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods have to do with late night television? Lots!  For years, we have seen participants in LEGO® workshops relax, build, and tell stories until they spontaneously erupt into laughter. This is when people are the closest to changing their minds, when they are having fun and not taking themselves too seriously.


What’s so funny?

People build models that are mini exaggerations of stories they probably have never told before. They certainly have not told the stories in 3D. They laugh at themselves as they finally come clean, or when they hear coworkers say things such as, “The Emperor has no clothes.” As people build and develop stories, they are not trying to be funny. But like improvisation, life is live and the stories behind the stories are real. Things can be very funny when they come into light. LEGO® bricks allow us to laugh at ourselves and our situations.



The primary job of late night television is to entertain us. It does not offer us any real solutions. Herein lies the difference. LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods not only bring out the issues, but the facilitated process allows people to engage in conversations at a deep and meaningful level. 


If you need some comic relief, if you want your people to tell their real stories, if you are looking for alignment and transformation, this is the process for you.


Call us now and we can tell your more about how you can use LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods in your work. 


or email us:  

  • 3/30/2017 1:45:27 AM
  • Jacqueline Lloyd Smith
  • 0
  • Leadership

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