

..and make it stick!

You may recall at our Zoom for World Creativity and Innovation Day, we announced our Make Play Stick campaign. We now have stickers in hand and are ready to launch!

If you missed it, here's the deal:

Play is super important, but sometimes people need a gentle reminder of how important it is. So we made up a batch of play stickers we want to see travel the world to create some sticky inspiration. Will it work? Who knows. But one thing is certain: You never know until you try. 

Your turn to play!

Send us a self-addressed envelope (no postage needed) to the following address, and we will send a few stickers all the way from Canada to your house:

Box 75, Sechelt BC V0N 3A0 Canada


Display them on your phones, laptops, or briefcases. Or leave them in different places for others to discover: Try tacking one up on a public bulletin board or leaving one in a rack of brochures, the office coffee maker or corner chair. 




After you find that perfect location to make people smile, take a picture of your sticker and tag us on Instagram. And follow us if you don't already, so you can enjoy the fun.  


Just remember to play nicely: Get permission if you'd like to stick them on something that's not yours, like your partner's guitar case, for example.



We will pick our favorite sticker photos and highlight your efforts. We may even send a follow-up surprise your way.

Hmm. And now we are busy working on that surprise!

Let's go UNITE the WORLD with PLAY.

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