Meet our LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Trainer in Africa


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Daberechi Okedurum (Dabs)

B.A. Linguistics and Communication Studies, MBA in Business Management, Certificate in Social Entrepreneurship, Certificate in Creative Coaching
Licensed Strategic Play LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methods Trainer 


Dabs is one of our certified and licensed


trainers located in Africa.


He is an experiential learning enthusiast, facilitating with top management teams, entrepreneurs, and institutions of learning. Dabs helps these individuals develop their creative thinking capacities, which they then apply to build valuable products, processes, or services. He first became interested in  LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods in 2015, and he has been building his skills ever since.
Dabs has been a spotlight speaker and facilitator at the prestigious annual Creative Problem Solving Institute in Buffalo, New York, and the International Creativity Conference for Educators in South Africa.
He is also a guest speaker at Pepperdine University’s Business Graduate Program in California, the Studio School Los Angeles, Covenant University, and several other institutions.
His topics include: global creativity, design thinking, entrepreneurship education, and problem-based learning.
As a Sidney Parnes Global fellow in Creative Problem Solving, Dabs is affiliated with the Creative Education Foundation—the largest network of Creative Practitioners in the world—and the Strategy Innovation Group.


Now let’s get to know Dabs on a personal level:

Where would you like your wanderlust to take you?

The peak of Kilimanjaro

Dark chocolate or milk?


Favorite social media platform


Favorite LEGO piece or kit

The Duck

Favorite song

Don’t Worry About a Thing—Bob Marley

What do you think is the most boring thing ever?

Getting all you can; seating on the Can

Disneyland or Disneyworld?


If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?

Would rarely or not cut my hair and beards at all

How many of hours of sleep do you need?




Tea or coffee?


Favorite book

Out of Our Minds: Learning to Be Creative: by Sir Ken Robinson

Early riser or night owl?

Night owl

Texting or talking?


What do you think a person needs to be happy?

Being a conduit that conveys love and resources to others

What is something very few people know about you?

I can make a very tasty South-Eastern Nigerian food

Favorite movie

Coming to America—Eddie Murphy

What series are you currently binging?

TED talks focused on human psychology and how the brain works

What is your all-time favorite quote?

We can create a desired future instead of merely accepting what life offers.

                                       -Sidney Parnes




  • 8/24/2020 3:13:46 PM
  • Jacqueline Lloyd Smith
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  • Leadership

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