What Keeps You Awake at Night?



With one of the most fun and playful events just around the corner, Halloween, you may have noticed an increase of scary movies available for your viewing pleasure. Hollywood aside, what you should really be afraid of is often hidden in plain view, yet lurking among us—zombies!


That's right,  Zombies are on the move. Eeek!


Have you noticed anyone around you who seems to be disconnected, unfocused, or confused, quietly creeping along?



In today's world of constant distractions, most people find themselves disconnected from each other. They are disengaged at work,  lacking direction and purpose in their lives. Many also report feeling lonely. And loneliness is an indicator for dangerous health decline, as could result when you invite that vampire inside. Was that really a heart attack or did Dracula get you?


Fortune 500 CEOs report having fewer than 20 minutes a day to themselves so they can focus and concentrate. And research by Gallup, IBM, and other scientists working in the field find that people lack the creative confidence and imagination required to envision new solutions.


Have you been seeing any of these chilling signs at work?
1. Lack of inspiration and innovation
2. Poor engagement and focus, with deadlines silently expiring
3. Team members running in fear from new tech or competitors
4. Customer complaints, rising like the undead at night
5. People disappearing into doomsday bunkers


You might have a case of the Zombies! 


Time to call Strategic Play. We promise not to bite.


Reading this after dark and its a bit too late to call? No problem, you can email us hello@strategicplay.com

We will get you back to a good night's sleep! 


  • 10/18/2024 6:33:00 PM
  • Jacqueline Lloyd Smith
  • 0
  • Brainstorms

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