2018_Resources for training

Congratulations on successfully completing your Strategic Play® Facilitator Certification in Teams and Groups with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods.   


Please find some helpful support materials here - along with downloads for your use - please download and save in your LSP file for future use.  Remember, anything with our logo or name should be used as is, otherwise, please customize and use as needed for your practice.  

Remember you each have a complimentary 30-minute coaching call for support with Stephen.  Contact Steve at:  stephenjames@strategicplay.com 


Link to purchase LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Materials

Trademark rules from LEGO® Systems Group to use LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methods

Sample Road Map

Sample Planning Chart 

Sample PowerPoint  (please customize for your own use)

Why this method works (ideas to develop your own brochure) 

6 Bricks -tools for using LEGO® bricks with children (not LSP but interesting) 

SCARF Model (nice read on neuroscience) 

Turtle Sheet (leave LOGO on but print and use with permission)