


Humans are hard wired to connect with others.


Connection is what brings joy, meaning, and happiness to our lives.


The Pandemic took meaningful connections away from many people. We were cut off from our friends, family, and coworkers. We're just starting to rebuild those lost connections again, and many organizations are continuing to work on a new hybrid approach to work.

41% of respondents in a LinkedIn Study[1] reported that working from home made them consider their levels of happiness and many are now searching for more fulfilling and engaging work. According to a U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, 71.6 million people left their jobs between April 2021 and April 2022.


Now in 2023, many may see the pandemic in the rearview mirror. But for many people, the disruption and disconnection continues. COVID is still with us, but we are learning to navigate through it; however, we can't forget it is still having many serious adverse effects. It is strongly impacting how people feel about themselves, their co-workers, and their work.


If you are leading a team, you probably have people who are struggling  to make meaningful connections. Many are dealing with cognitive overload caused by Zoom fatigue. Leaders must find ways to bridge these gaps and bring people together; and not just for information sharing, but to have meaningful conversations where people feel seen, heard, and understood.


Even if you aren't in charge of a team, you can always lead upward and make a suggestion  to get your group together: Mental wellness is everyone's concern.

If your team is ready to reconnect,  we are here with our bricks. With global facilitators around the world, we can offer workshops and offsites on a variety of topics, all aimed to support your groups while making meaningful connections. 

Connect with us today! It's time to book that workshop and bring joy and happiness back to work and life.



  • 1/25/2023 7:07:42 PM
  • Jacqueline Lloyd Smith
  • 0
  • Leadership

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