Uncharted Territory



The one thing everyone seems to agree on is the world is changing so quickly it's hard to make plans that stick. This is just as true in the business world where many of the old ways of working are gone.  We are setting sail into unknown and uncharted waters, where the wind is unpredictable and problems unforeseeable.


So how can we best cope with this ever-changing environment? 


One thing that can be very helpful is to test new ideas by playing out situations and scenarios with prototypes. When the boardroom is transformed into a playroom, the environment can support risk taking: People get to visualize the unimaginable by building it in 3D as part of tabletop strategies.




People can explore, experiment, and imagine abstract ideas, creating concrete examples through metaphorical models; metaphors are shortcuts in language.

By using 3D tabletop models, we can avoid circular conversations and clearly hear and see what others are thinking. This is the most brain friendly way to come together and exploit group genius to consider and test alternatives, explore and evaluate options, and make solid decisions.


  • Are you are looking for a better way to help others think strategically?
  • Are you tired of going in circles without making decisions?
  • Can you imagine the value of facilitating others to take risks, without the fear of losing?
  • Can you imagine working with others to develop a strategy that is resilient during rapid change?
  • Do you want a way to align teams where everyone knows what to do?


Join us in September in Malibu for this powerful interactive course to become a pro facilitator with currently in-demand skills: Select Ticket -Playing with Strategy with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods.   Register Now



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